Guide: Integrating Argos Visual Testing in Vercel Preview
Argos now seamlessly integrates with Vercel Preview for visual testing, offering a streamlined approach to catch visual regressions in a production-like environment. In this step-by-step guide, I show my journey to run Argos on Vercel Preview via GitHub Actions, and share my source code to do so.
Why Visual Testing with Vercel Preview? Key Advantages
- Reducing CI cost: Eliminating the need to set up a second environment to run the tests.
- Increasing test reliability: Visual testing on a production-like environment.
- Increasing test reliability: Visual testing on a production-like environment.
Note: This method is optimal for repeatable tests that don't significantly alter the environment, as certain tests (e.g. those involving user deletion) may not be applicable.
Getting Started with Argos: Setup Guide
Before integrating Argos into Vercel Preview for visual testing, I have:
- Set up a Next.js project with Playwright.
- Integrated Playwright tests into CI/CD.
- Deployed the project on Vercel.
1. Project Importation to Argos
Signed up into Argos and import my project. In response, Argos generated an ARGOS_TOKEN
for my repository that I saved it for later usage.
2. Package Installation
npm install --save-dev @argos-ci/playwright
3. Setup Argos in Playwright config file
Update the playwright.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "@playwright/test";
export default defineConfig({
reporter: [
process.env.CI ? ["dot"] : ["list"],
uploadToArgos: !!process.env.CI,
token: process.env.ARGOS_TOKEN,
use: {
trace: "on-first-retry",
screenshot: "only-on-failure",
4. Screenshot my app
I utilized the Screenshot pages script from Argos's documentation for capturing my application's homepage. This script is flexible for adding more pages in the future.
import { argosScreenshot } from "@argos-ci/playwright";
import { test } from "@playwright/test";
const baseUrl = "http://localhost:3000";
const pages = [
{ name: "homepage", path: "/" },
// { name: "faq", path: "/faq" },
// { name: "contact", path: "/contact-us" },
// { name: "pricing", path: "/pricing" },
test("screenshot pages", async ({ page }, workerInfo) => {
for (const { name, path } of pages) {
const browserName =;
await page.goto(`${baseUrl}${path}`);
await argosScreenshot(page, `${name}-${browserName}`);
5. Set up ARGOS_TOKEN and test integration
First, I set up ARGOS_TOKEN
as a repository secret on GitHub. Then, I'm ready to push my code to GitHub monitor the status checks to ensure everything is working as expected: Playwright, Vercel, and Argos.
Run Argos on Vercel Preview
To run my tests on Vercel Preview, I updated my CI workflow file:
name: Playwright + Argos Tests
# 👉 Trigger on deployment event
on: deployment_status:
# 👉 Run tests only if the deployment is successful
if: github.event_name == 'deployment_status' && github.event.deployment_status.state == 'success'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci && npx playwright install --with-deps
- name: Run Playwright tests
run: npx playwright test
# 👉 Add this variables
BASE_URL: ${{ github.event.deployment_status.environment_url }}
ARGOS_BRANCH: ${{ github.event.deployment_status.environment == 'Production' && 'main' || '' }}
For a comprehensive explanation of each step, read Argos documentation.
Then, I updated my Playwright's config file:
export default defineConfig({
use: {
// URL generated for the preview
baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL,
extraHTTPHeaders: {
// Hide vercel toolbar in tests
"x-vercel-skip-toolbar": "0",
After my changes are merged, upon a successful deploy, the E2E workflow start on the preview:
Explore the Source Code
Explore my GitHub Repository to read to code source of this integration.
Vercel Preview and Argos serve complementary roles in ensuring web development excellence. Vercel Preview focuses on verifying expected outcomes, while Argos excels at detecting visual regressions across various viewports. Together, they strengthen the development workflow, allowing developers to harness the best of both tools for unparalleled visual consistency and reliability.